We believe that the entrepreneurial spirit that characterises many family businesses is a source of progress and innovation.
We believe that the entrepreneurial spirit that characterises many family businesses is a source of progress and innovation.
History of Investment-
The genesis of these listed investment-companies, as opposed to more recent players in the field of private equity, dates back to the end of the 19th century. The banking system was still in its infancy and large industrial families needed capital and a structure to finance their projects.
Today, these investment companies take interests in companies or take businesses in their entirety, with a clear underlying investment strategy. Often these companies are within a limited number of sectors or industries. This common denominator makes it possible to link companies from the portfolio.
For example, by exchanging capital, goods or services, the investment company can obtain economies of scale and synergies.
Where a century ago the main focus was investing in traditional industrial companies, today more and more attention is being shifted to companies active in the fields of technology, life sciences, media, consumer sectors and Alternative energy. This offers opportunities.
Vandaag de dag.
Vandaag de dag nemen deze Investeringsmaatschappijen belangen in bedrijven of nemen bedrijven in hun geheel over, met een duidelijke achterliggende beleggingsstrategie. Vaak zijn dit bedrijven binnen een beperkt aantal sectoren of industrieën. Deze gemeenschappelijke deler maakt het mogelijk de bedrijven uit de portefeuille met elkaar te verbinden.
Door het uitwisselen van kapitaal, goederen of diensten kan de investeringsmaatschappij bijvoorbeeld schaalvoordelen en synergiën behalen.
Waar men een eeuw geleden nog voornamelijk investeerde in traditionele industriele bedrijven zie je dat heden ten dage steeds meer aandacht komt voor bedrijven die actief zijn op het gebied van technologie, life sciences, media, consumentensectoren en alternatieve energie. Dit biedt kansen.
The purpose
The goal of these long-term investments in companies is profit generation by participation. The investment company expects the activities of the companies in which it invests in the long term will be (more) profitable. Unlike private equity, restructuring companies does not play a central role in the investment strategy, hence this strategy is less focused on selling interest.
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